Friday 7 September 2012

Coldplay Concert was Awesome!

Tänane õhtu läks mega-hästi!
Kella 8 aeg tegime endale võileivad, võtsime pudeli veini, küpsist, teki ning muud head kraami ning põrutasime ratastega kesklinna, Central Stationi juures olevasse parki. Kontserdi ala oli eraldatud võrk-aiaga + valge kilega, seega kahjuks visuaalne pool oli vägagi puudulik, kuid MUUSIKA! Muusika, kõik laulud olid VÄGA hästi kuulda! Lisaks oli terve suur ilutulestik meile nähtaval ning esimesed lood tõid tõesti kananaha ihule. See oli lihtsalt nii võimas tunne! 
Coldplay on tõesti üks bändidest, mille kontserdil tahan tõesti ära käia. 
Ütleme nii, et nüüd on 50% käidud, kuid KINDLASTI vaja kunagi külastada! Emotsioonid igatahes laes ning terve õhtu oli vägagi super mõnusa seltskonnaga!! 

Today's evening was awesome!
Around 8 o'clock in the evening we made ourselves some sandwiched, took a bottle of wine, some cookies, a blanket and some other good stuff and jumped on our bikes to headed to the city center. The park was next to the Central Station. The concert area was separated with a fence sadly so the visual part of the concert was not so good for us but the MUSIC! The music, all of the songs were very well heard!! Also the big fireworks and the first songs seriously gave me goosebumps! That felt so good!
Coldplay is seriously one of the bands which I really want to see live.
I can say now that I have seen/heard 50% of them in live but for sure I want to see the concert again! Emotions are really high right now and the whole evening was great with the great company! 


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