Tuesday 19 November 2013

hola señorita , que tal

ulalala, mul plaan võtta Hispaania keele kursus, mis alustaks jaanuarist. Täiesti nullist alustaks, kuigi kunagi sai paar aastat suurepärase õpetaja käe all tööd tehtud. Aga, aga, otseloomulikult on antud kursus Hollandi keele põhjal. Üsna huvitav kooslus, kui olen klassis, kus räägitakse minu jaoks kahte täiesti võõrast keelt. No okei, mõlemad keeled on mul algtasemel enam-vähem omandatud, kuid siiski. Natukene närvi ajab küll! Aga ma registreerin ära (täna kell 00:00 avaneb jälle registreerimis-platvorm), ja siis suhtlen õppejõududega.
Ah pole ammu jutustanud. Igatahes, oma valikaineteks võtsin "Entrepreneurship with Innovation" ja "Cross-Cultural Communication". Algavad samuti jaanuarist siis. 
Eksamitulemustest nii palju, et üks tulemus on väga hea, 8.9, kuid ühe kukkusin see vastu läbi... No jaanuaris saan uuesti teha, vaheaeg tuleb tore õppimine. Õppejõud on väga aeglased see kord, ja teisi tulemusi lihtsalt pole veel. Esmaspäevaks peaksid olema saabunud, kõik ootavad närviliselt.
Ahjaa, muideks, kuu aja pärast olen Eestis. jeeijeeijeei. Ja ja Hiina õpilastega on kõik üsna lahe. Ja ausaltöeldes mul aina suurem kiusatus minna ise Hiinat mingil ajal avastama. Kõik tänu mu kallitele õpilastele. 
Ja mul pole rohkem eriti jutustamistuju, vaid tahaks hea meelega magama minna. Kuid pean tund aega veel ootama, et registreerida end hispaania keele klassi. Hommikul registreerides on kohad suure-suure tõenäosusega juba täis...

First sushi ever in Den Haag
Ha- käisime reedel ühel kontserdil, bandi nimi on Say Yes Dog. Ülimõnus oli tegelt, plus kenad poisid laval. Aga lives on nad paremad kui niisama kuulates
ha, went to one small concert on Friday, band named Say Yes Dog. They were really really good in live, well obviously good looking guys are always good to look at

ulauala, I am planning to take a Spanish beginners course, which would start from January. I would start from the beginning, even though I had a privilege to study under a magnificent teacher for two years. Anyways, of course there is an issue that Spanish class is taught in Dutch (well meaning that the class is targeted towards Dutch students). So it is pretty interesting mix, as I will be in a class where the others speak two foreign languages for me. Ok, well yeah, I know both of them on a beginners level. But still, it is pretty annoying. Overall, I will register for that (again, I have to wait til midnight when the registration opens cause the places will be full really fast). 
Ah I haven't written for a while. For my minors I chose Entrepreneurship and Cross Cultural Communication. Both start in January.
About the exam results... One exam went really well as I got 8,9 but I managed to fail the other one. Well going to have a re-sit in January. The holiday is gonna be nice full of studying. Generally, the lecturers are really slow this time with correcting the exams, as we don't have any other results yet. 
Oh yeah, in one month I will be in Estonia. yayayya. And and my Chinese students are pretty cool. And honestly, I have never felted that tempted to go to China as I do now. All because of my lovely students.
So, I am not really in talkative mood as I would love to go to sleep. But still one hour to go til the registration for Espanol will be opened. 

take care loved ones! and everyone else also

Parimate soovidega,

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