Tere õhtust!
Lõpuks olen julguse kokku võtnud ja oma blogi-keskkonna saidile sattunud. Muidu kõigest mõtlen sellest, kuid lõpuks sain tegudele.
Viimati sai vist mainitud, et vaheaeg tulekul ja kaalun, kas kodumaa pinnale tulla või Saksamaale trippima. Ups, sattusin hoopis Londonisse ja teistesse Inglismaa linnadesse. Suunataju vist ei ole parim. Igatahes, mu kallis pere otsustas koolivaheaja puhul külastada üht suurimat linna Euroopas ning mina kribinal-krabinal soetasin endale samuti piletid sinna imelisse kohta (minu jaoks, kuna olen teadlik, et nii mõnegi jaoks on London liiga suur-lärmakas-tüütu).
Ma ei oska täpselt seletada, mis mind Londoni puhul köidab, kuid tas on see miski. Mulle meeldib metrooga sõita, mulle meeldib inimesi jälgida ja mõelda, millega nad tegelevad. Mulle meeldib see kirev meeleolu. Kuid ainult siis, kui ma ise ei pea kuskile kiirustama. Mulle meeldib seal rahulikult olla. Ja vaadelda. Kui ma peaksin tõesti Londonis elama, siis tõenäoliselt mu närvid nii korras ei oleks.
Aga, külastasime suurimaid Londoni atraktsioone:
London Eye
Madame Tussaud vahakujude muuseum
Hamley'se mänguasjapood (mu õe lõbustamiseks, kuid pean tunnistama, et endalgi on seal võrdlemisi põnev)
Käisime ka turul, öh suurim sise-turg Londonis Brick Lane lähisten. Ei tule preagu nimi meelde, kuid väga lahe oli
Ja siis kimasime Bristolisse, kus veetsime öö nö Transilvaania hotellis, kuna Oliver ei suutnud seal magada. Ja kartis Draculaid. Aga see selleks. Bristolis käisin esimest korda, kuid kahjuks ma ei saanud sellest linnast just väga suurt tunnet. Siinkohal pean silmas seda, et igal linnal on justkui oma tunne, inglise keeles feeling. Bristolis jäi see mulle väga segaseks.
Mu nunnud vanemad
Inglismaa oli üldiselt väga mõnus. Nii hea oli terve perega aega veeta ja lollitada ja nalja visata.. Ehk jõuludel kohtan neid jälle.
Tagasi Hollandisse saabudes oli vaja eksamiteks hoogsalt valmistuda. Ehk see nädal oligi eksami-nädal. 4 eksamit + 2 projekti. Üks projekt on sisse antud, teise tähtaeg on homme- Täna saigi siin viimaseid korrektsioone tehtud selles osas. Eksamitulemused peaksid peatselt ilmuma, kuid mul väga suuri ootusi just ei ole. Üks aine oli väga suure materjaliga ja ma olin kindel, et kukun läbi, kuid eksam iseenesest polnudki nii raske... Ehk isegi saan läbi, küll näeb siis :)
Homsest hakkab uus veerand, uued ained, uued õppejõud. Lisaks, väidetavalt tegin ma esimene veerand oma Hiina õpilastega nii tubli tööd, et mulle anti selleks veerandiks üks grupp juurde! Seega topelt töökoormus, aga ka topelt palk! Kahjuks jaotati õpilased uutesse gruppidesse, seega ma lihtsalt loodan, et mu uued õpilased on sama toredad nagu eelnevad.
Täna öösel, õigemini keskkööl, avatakse Minors registreerimine... Ma ei ole hetkel kindel, mis see eestikeelne vaste on sellele. Igatahes, saame valida ise nö valikained ehk? No jah, valikained, 2 siukest põhilist peame valima endale, mis hakkaksid siis jaanuarist pihta. Ma vist võtan äri innovatsiooni vms, peame igatahes äriideega lagedale tulema ja siis plaani koostama. Umbes selline, väidetavalt eelmine aasta kukkusid pooled läbi... samas see on üks kõige huvitavamaid variante, vähemalt minu jaoks. Teine... Kahjuks väga palju huvitavaid ei ole. Vist võtan Cross Cultural Communication, ehk siis rahvusvaheline kommunikatsioon. No siuke üsna tavaline variant... Või võtaks filosoofia ja kunsti? Igatahes, registreerimine läheb lahti täpselt kell 24:00 ja peab võimalikult kiiresti regama, kuna kohad saavad täis kiirelt. Igal alal on teatud arv kohti ja ma tõesti tahan äri teha. Seega pean olema valmis!
Eile sai siin avatud uste päeval jälle International Communication Management'i kursust esindatud (minu kursus jah-jah). Sai paljudele küsimustele vastatud ja paljudelt vanematelt kiidusõnu kuulda, et ma räägin hästi. Sain veel kord tõestust, et inimestega on tore suhelda, täpselt nagu suvel restoranis klientidega suheldes.
Igatahes, olen valmis uueks veerandiks. See kord üritan ikka veel tublim olla ja kõik projektid veelgi varem korda saata! Mitte viimasel päeval... Kuid kahjuks see lihtsalt kuidagi ikka juhtub nii, et kõigil jube kiire lõpus ja no miljon asja vajavad lihtsalt tegemist.
Ahja, siin oli ju suur torm. Üks inimelu, kui ma ei eksi. Rongid/ trammid/ mitte miski ei töötanud. Rattaga üsna võimatu sõita, kui just kukkuda ei soovi. Päris huvitav oli...
Väljaskäik- Going out
PR team representatives
Musid kallid Eestimaale!
Finally I have the courage to write my blog. Finally, I am actually writing it not only considering doing it.
Last time I mentioned that I am considering whether to go to Estonia for a holiday or to Germany. Well, somehow I ended up going to London. Lost my sense of direction I guess. Anyways, my lovely family decided to use the autumn break to visit one of the biggest cities in Europe and I quickly purchased the tickets to this magnificent place (for me, but I am aware that many people find London to be way too busy-loud-annoying).
I cannot explain very well what do I find so attractive about London, but it has something. I like underground, I like to observe people, to think of what they are doing. I like the busy-colourful life there. But only then, when I don't have to rush. I like to take my time there and observe. If I would really have to live in London, I think my nerves wouldn't be fine.
But we visited the biggest tourist places in London, like there were pictures demonstrative above.
Then we drove to Bristol, where we spent the night in a hotel that my bro decided to call to be Transylvania just because he couldn't sleep there and was afraid of Dracula. It was my first time in Bristol but sadly I did not get the feeling of this city. By feeling I mean that in my opinion every city has it's own feeling... In Bristol I really wasn't able to catch it.
The next destination was Oxford! Wow, that was cool! So cool that I would love to study in this geek-city (the geek city is a joke). We walked around a lot, visited Christ Church, which is owned by Oxford University as far as I know and they actually held lecturers there. Also, some of Harry Potter movie parts were filed there (if I am not mistaken). Well, actually Harry Potter was a big part of our trip as we decided to visit HP studio.
The ticket price was insane, but the experience was totally worth it! At least me and Oliver were amazed by HP movie behind the scenes. The dining hall, costumes, magic wands, Dumbledore's office, Harry's bedroom, chem lab, magic doors... whoah. We even got to try the world famous butterbeer (which happened to taste funny of course but at least I have had it now!). All the costumes and masks of trolls... Generally, it was unbelievable how many details had actually been created for the movies, because mostly it looks like everything is done with special effects.. But it isn't like that!
England was cool and chill. It was so nice to spend time with my family and to make silly jokes. Well, now just have to wait til Christmas to see them.
When I arrived back to the NL, the exam prep had to start. So I had 4 days before the exams started. 4 exams and 2 projects. One of the assignments is already handed in, the other deadline is tomorrow- we were (are) working on the last details with that today. The exam results should appear soonish, though I am not expecting too much. One subject had sooo much material to read so I was pretty sure I am going to fail. But the exam wasn't as bad so hoping to pass all of them ;)
Tomorrow the new term starts, new lecturers and new subjects. In addition, apparently I did such a good job with my Chinese students the first term that they gave me another group for this term! Double work load but double money yay! Sadly the classes were mixed so I don't have my fav students any longer but I hope the new ones are also cool!
Tonight, well exactly at midnight, the registration for minors will be opened... Anyways, I have to take 2 minors starting from January. I want to take entrepreneurship where we have to create our own business plan into details. Well apparently half of the students failed last year :/ But then again, it is one of the most interesting options. The second one... well I don't find the others very engaging but I think I am going for Cross Cultural Management. Seems quite general object. The other option would be art and philosophy? Anyways, the registration will be open exactly at 24:00 and we should register as soon as possible because the courses are gonna have limited amount of places. Therefore, I really really want to get my place in entrepreneurship!
Yesterday we had another open day in the uni, so I was representing my lovely course International Communication Management. I got to answer to loads of questions and hear nice things from some parents who told me that I am doing a good job while explaining. Once again, I felt that I really like communicating with people , just as I found I like to talk with the clients while working in the restaurant in the summer.
I am ready for the new term! This time I will try to be even better student than I have been so far! So finishing my projects before the final day of the deadline. Though somehow, it always happens to us that everyone appears to be really busy on the final days.
Oh yeah, we had a crazy storm here. One person died if I am correct. The trains/ trams / nothing was working. Riding a bike was basically impossible. Pretty intense.
Hugs and kisses
Teie väsinud Elle
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