Friday 18 January 2013

igavus ja paranemine

Viimases postituses rääkisin oma Hollandi suulisest eksamist... No otseloomulikult tegin ma sellel korral ära :) Õpetaja oli ka õnnelik ning mu esmaspäevane päev läks muidu väga hästi (aa, sel ajal tuli lumi ka maha ehk 40cm lund, ja külmaks läks). Päev läks hästi kuni jõudsin koju ja tundsin tohutut nõrkust. Ning kurguvalu. Ja palavikku tungimas mu territooriumile.
Ehk ma olen terve viimased 5 päeva voodis vedelenud. Eile käisin arsti juures, ning antud tunni-ajane "retk kodust väljas" on mu lähiaja suurim ettevõtmine olnud. 
Ooteruumis kõik tervitavad üksteist, mis oli üllatuslik. Arstil mingit kitlit küll pole nagu Eestis kombeks.  Ja ausaltöeldes nägi kogu visiit täpselt samasugune välja nagu meil Hollandi keele õpikus oli arsti külastamise teema juures. 
Muidugi, apteegis sain järjekorras oodata. Ilmselgelt paistis antud koht olevat vanematele daamidele kogunemispaigaks, kus jutustati oma eraelust (tõenäoliselt) ning ilmast ja oma saabastest (sellest sain ma natukene aru). Lisaks teenindab 4 apteekrit, kuid eks muidugi paljudel kohalikel on vaja ju veel peale ravimite kättesaamist apteekriga jutustama jääda. Eks teised siis ootavad, mis seal ikka. Jah, ja mina lihtsalt jälgisin inimesi ja ootasin oma korda.
Aga vanaema ja tädi Mari, muretsemiseks pole põhjust! Ma juba paranen siin, täna veidi parem kui eile ja nii edasi. 

Ratast mul hetkel pole, vedeleb kuskil kooli juures lume all. Esmaspäeval kooli läksin rattaga aga kui oli aeg koju tulla, oli õues ikka tõeline lumetorm. Mina ei hakanud sinna otsa ronima. Samas Eva ja Rene sõidavad praegugi rattaga... Ega keda see lumi ikka segab Hollandis. Lund peaks meil väidetavalt jätkuma selle nädala lõpuni, järgmisest nädalast läheb (loodetavasti) soojemaks. Eestis pole mul lume vastu midagi, kuid Hollandis mul tõesti pole seda lund vaja. Lihtsalt segab mu tegevust. 

In the last post I mentioned taking my Dutch oral exam again.. well, obviously I passed this time ;) The teacher was also happy and the whole Monday went really well (oh, and it started snowing at that day, around 40cm snow and we still have it). The day went good until I got home and felt bad. And my throat was aching. And I felt fever coming...
So the last 5 days I have mostly spent my time in my bed. Pretty boring. Yesterday went to see a doctor, and this one hour long "journey outside" has been the biggest event recently.
In the waiting room everyone greets everyone which was surprising. Also, the doctor doesn't wear any lab coat (or whatever they are called). In Estonia all the doctors almost always wear those. Anyways, generally the appointment was exactly the same as in our Dutch book the "visiting a doctor" chapter explains. 
Of course in a pharmacy I had to wait in a queu. And to be honest, this place seemed to be for older ladies to meet and chat, to chat about their private lives (most likely) and weather and their boots (this part I understood a bit). Also, there were 4 pharmacists but obviously many local people want to keep chatting with them after receiving their medications. Well yeah, let others just wait. And I, I was just analyzing people around me and waited for my turn.

I don't have my bike atm. I left it near the university, under the snow somewhere there. On Monday went to school by bike but when it was time to get back, there was a huge snowstorm outside. I seriously did not find it very intriguing to ride it. But Eva and Rene are both riding their bikes... Who cares about snow in The Netherlands, right? I think we are supposed to have snow until the end of this week, next week it is (hopefully) going to melt. In Estonia I like snow but here... I seriously don't need it here. 

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