Sunday 11 November 2012

Scheveningen + homme hakkab kool (jälle)

HOMME hakkab teine veerand! Ma olen mingil põhjusel väga ärevil. Pooled ained jäävad samaks (nagu mu suurim hirm- Hollandi keel, Language Proficiency ja Academic Writing), kuid uuteks aineteks on näiteks Bränding (oi, see saab huvitav olema!), Introduction to Research Skills (õpime tõenäoliselt, kuidas erinevaid allikaid kasutada akadeemiliste tööde puhul) ja Personal Leadership (õpime iseennast arendama hehe). 
Eile sai käidud turul kauplemas parimate palade nimel (mmm, avokaadod, mangod ja kõike muudki) ning ka ühes odavamas poes sai toiduvarusid täiendatud. Renega koju jõudes ning köögis asju lahti pakkides jäi mulje nagu meie korteris elaks terve suur perekond! Kuid tegelikkuses oli tegemist kõigest kahe näljase tudengi söögivarudega...

Täna aga oli õues vägagi mõnus ilm ning mis siin toas ikka konutada- oli vaja minna randa pildistama ja ilma nautima! Rannas olles sai aga selgeks tõsiasi, et kuumakraadid polegi nii kuumad ning tuul polegi nii väike, kui alguses tundus. Sellegipoolest, pildistada oli mõnus ning lisaks oli rand täis lohesurfareid ja purjetajaid (ning koerajalutajaid).

Muidugi ma ei saa ju mainimata jätta, et täna on isadepäev (veel viimased loetud minutid). Selle puhul sõin hommikusöögiks jäätist (üksi) ning saatsin issile meili teel mõned luuleread. Ma loodan, et ta nautis neid (mul oli kahjuks inspiratsiooni puudus ning luuletus jäi võrdlemisi lühikeseks). Piinliku olukorra vältimiseks ma seda luuletust siia ei postita. Igatahes mitte see kord. Ja tõenäoliselt mitte kunagi.
PS! Scheveningen on meie ranna-piirkonna nimi (hääldusest parem ärme räägi).

Mu kõige-kõige kallimad inimesed!
Issi auks siis see kord. Kahjuks tervest perest ühtegi uuemat pilti polegi. 
The most important people in the world to me!
For my dad this time then ;) Sadly don't have any newer picture about all of us (this was taken in the end of June 2012, my bro's graduation). 

The second term starts TOMORROW! For some reason I am extremely excited about it! Some of the modules stay the same (for example my biggest fear DUTCH, Language Proficiency and Academic Writing), but luckily we got some new modules too, for example Branding (hopefully gonna be good!), Introduction to Research Skills and Personal Leadership. 

Yesterday went to market to bargain the best fruits (mmm avocados, mangos..) in the whole of The Netherlands and also went grocery shopping. Got back home together with Rene, put all our stuff in the kitchen- and the kitchen looked like here's living one big family! Well, reality was that we are two hungry university students just filling up our food storage...

Today the weather was great and as it there wasn't any reason to spend the whole day inside. So decided to go to the beach to take photos and enjoy the weather. Well, on the beach the reality struck us that the temperature was not as warm as it looked and the wind was much more powerful than first thought.. Nevertheless, it was good to take photos, also the beach was full of kite-surfers and people were sailing (and also lots of people walking their dogs..)

Of course I have to mention that in Estonia it is Father's Day today (well, for the last couple of minutes). To celebrate that I had ice-cream for breakfast (alone) and sent a poem through e-mail to my dad!! I hope that he enjoyed my fab poem (sadly I ran out of  inspiration so the poem was relatively short). Just to avoid being embarrassed once again, I won't publish my poem here. Not this time. And probably never ever. 
PS! Scheveningen is the name of the part where the beach is located in The Hague. (and the other part of the title says that the school starts tomorrow again)

Olge tublid, palju tervitusi! 

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