Sunday 14 October 2012


Kiire ülevaade tegevustest ja väike fotode seeria. Pilte on ju ikkagist huvitavam vaadata, kui lihtsalt teksti lugeda?

Reedel oli tüdrukutega istumine minu juures, korra jõudsime linna ka, kuid sama kiiresti koju tagasi. Ja linnas sadas rahet. Ma olin šokeeritud. Olime neljakesti: mina, Läti tüdruk Alise, Soome tüdruk Aino ning Saksa tüdruk Hannah. Päris rahvusvaheline seltskond. Rääkisime tüdrukute jutte ning nautisime õhtut.
Linna minnes õnnestus Alisel ja Ainol esimene jalgrattaga kukkumine läbi elada! (Aino istus Alise pakiraamil, mina vedasin Hannat- ja see pole üldse lihtne tegevus!!). Igatahes, kukkumine nägi välja vägagi koomiline, kuna nad seisid parasjagu valgusfoori taga (jah, nad isegi ei liikunud). Ning ühtäkki olid mõlemad koos rattaga pikali maas. Lihtsalt nii. Suuri vigastusi ei esinenud (õnneks!), kuid naerukrambid tekkisid küll.

Laupäeval (eile) olin kodus terve päev. Algne plaan oli, et Alise tuleb külla ja teeme üht grupitööd (Introduction to Communication uut ülesannet), kuid ta jäi kahjuks haigeks. Olin siis terve päev kodus, korra käisin poes ja tiirutasin rattaga veidi ringi. Värske õhk aitab ju paremini õppida. Lugesin 200 lk turunduse õpikust, 300 lk veel lugeda. Jeei. Ning alustasin Intro to Communication ülesandega ise (ma pean oma õppetegevustest ka rääkima, kuna mu vanaema ei usu muidu, et ma õpin :))

Nüüd on käes juba pühapäev, meil olid väikesed filmivõtted minu pool. Nimelt Intercultural Communication aines on vaja koostada mingisugune film, mis näitaks rahvusvahelist suhtlemist. Meie otsustasime keskenduda kehakeelele. Ja lühifilmi sisu on meil järgmine: tõsielusari, kus Ameeriklanna käib kohtamas poisiga Hiinast ning Argentiinast ning kokkuvõttes peab valima, kumb kaaslane sobib talle paremini. Meie film lõppeb aga sellega, et too Ameeriklanna ei vali kedagi ning ütleb, et ta ikka eelistab Ameeriklast. Sellise käsikirjaga demonstreerime siis kehakeele näiteid erinevate kultuuride vahel. Tuleb huvitav (naljakas) film... Tähtaeg on täpselt 2 nädala pärast. Enamus gruppe pole veel filmimist minu teada alustanud, seega meil peaks väike eelis olema. Selle monteerimine on muidugi teine (ajaliselt kulukas) teema. Minu osaks sai olla tõsielusarja saatejuht, algselt pidin küll too ameeriklanna olema...

Lisaks koristasin tube (minu kord see nädal), pean veel Introduction to Communication ülesannet tegema, Hollandi keelt õppima, Academic Writing'u esimese ülesande proovi valmis kirjutama.. Ja midagi on mul kindlasti veel.
Eva tuleb õhtul tagasi, nii et ei tunne end siis nii üksikuna korteris. Üldiselt ei tunnegi, kuid vahe peal tekib tahtmine kellegiga jutustada ikkagist. 

Oi, ja meil on sisehoovis 3 rohelist papagoid. Istuvad vahepeal meie akna all oleva puu juures. Sain ühest paar pilti ka.

Girls night
Alise and Aino

Ainukene tõestus ratta-õnnetusest (mu telefoni kvaliteet järjekordselt)
Only real proof of the bike accident :D 
Meie tänased filmivõtted / Today's film shooting

Romantic dinner... 
Ja meie linnud- papagoi

Little overview of my doings and some photos for you guys. Photos tend to be more interesting than plain text, aren't I right?

On Friday had a little gathering at my place, went to the center too but came back as quick as possible. And it started pouring hail (I'm not completely sure if it's the right way in English).  Anyways, I was shocked. There were 4 of us: Alise from Latvia, Finnish girl Aino, German girl Hannah. Pretty international. Talked our girls talk and enjoyed the evening.
Alise and Aino managed to survive their first bike accident! (Aino was sitting on the back of Alise's bike, I was taking Hannah- and it's not as easy as it seems!) Anyways, the accident itself was extremely funny. What made it even more funny was that they were actually standing, waiting for a green light. And suddenly they were both on the ground with the bike. Just like that, luckily there weren't any big injuries but the whole situation was extremely funny.
On Saturday (yesterday) I was at home whole day long. First Alise was supposed to come here to start doing one project for Introduction to Communication, but she got ill.. So, I stayed at home, went to shop and ride my bike a bit. You know, it gets hard to concentrate if you don't get any fresh air at all. Managed to read about 200 pages from Marketing book (still 300 to go..). Also started with Introduction to Communication project on my own. 

Now it's already Sunday and my group came over to my place for shooting a film for Intercultural Communication assignment. We are in particularly looking at cross-cultural non-verbal communication. Our script is basically next: (based on Bachelor reality show) :reality show where American girl goes on dates with Chinese and Argentinean guys to find the love of her life. In the end, she decides she has to take American guy instead these two. With that script we are trying to demonstrate and show different body language examples. It will be interesting.. The deadline is exactly in two weeks. Most of the groups, as far as I know, haven't even started with that so we might have a little advantage by now. To put it all together is a second thing which tends to be extremely time-consuming. I was the "host" of reality show. 
Also, I cleaned the rooms (it's my turn this week), need to learn some Dutch (I hope I remember something at all!) and finish the first draft for Academic Writing 1st assignment. I definitely have some more things to do in my to do list. 
Eva is coming back home tonight! I won't feel that lonely then. Well, I don't but it's still kind of good to have someone to talk to whenever you want. 
Oh, and we have 3 green parrots in our "inner" yard... Well, where the kitchen is and where the balcony is. Managed to got a photo of one of them :) 


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