Friday 12 October 2012

Back in the game

Ehk tagasi Haagis!
Lennusõit kulges kiiresti koos meeldiva muusika ning uinakuga. Ainukene miinus seisnes selles, et Estonian Air ei pakkunud see kord jooki/ võileiba. Söögist väga vahet polnud, kuid nimelt oli mul esimene kord, kus ma ei viitsinud lennujaamast endale vett osta lennureisiks, kuna "Estonian Air'i peal saab alati juua". No tore küll. Ega lennuki pealt ka midagi ostma ei hakanud, ootasin Amsterdamini, kuid pettumus missugune. 
Rongisõit ja trammisõit kulgesid ka normaalselt, koju jõudes sai oma hiiglaslikku kohvrit treppidest üles tassida. Tuju kõige parem polnud, kuid oma ukseni jõudes läks nägu naerule. Nimelt oli Eva mu ukse ilusasti ära dekoreerinud, mis lihtsalt pani suure naeratuse näole. Ikka super-armsad korterikaaslased. Ei jõua ära kiita.
Pühapäevani pean küll üksi siin viibima, kuid pole hullu.

Tänane hommik oli veel täiesti hea ilm. Õues oli üsnagi soe (nahkjakiga hakkas mul megapalav ratta seljas) ning hea meel oli kooli poole minna. Hollandi kohta vist öeldakse, et kui ei saja, siis on hea ilm. Aga ega see muidugi nii ei jäänud. Koolist tulles tahtis ilmataat mulle ikka meelde tuletada Hollandi võlusid ning mind tervitati ilusa padukaga.
Eksamiteni on jäänud 2 nädalat. Raamatud vajavad lugemist, projektid vajavad koostamist. Muideks, kaks projekti oleme tagasi saanud ning need on ainult kiitust saanud (tegemist oli arvestustega, seega sain mõlema tulemuseks arvestatud ning positiivseid lauseid: keep up the good work!). 
Kohtusin täna ühe teise Eesti tüdrukuga, kes Haagis. Ning juhuslikult nägin veel üht eestlast, kes siin õppis. Ühe päeva kohta päris palju kaasmaalasi kohanud (tavaliselt ei kohta kedagi).
Õhtul tulevad klassiõed külla, võib-olla linna peale pärast veel. Hetkel aga süvenen oma turunduse õpikusse...

Eilne hilisõhtune söök / Yesterday late night ready-made-salad.. 
Pea kaks nädalat kodust ära olnud ning meie külmkapi pealset kaunistavad tühjad alkoholi pudelid. Kohe näha, millega mu korterikaaslased siin tegelenud on :)
2 weeks away and the top of the fridge is covered with empty alcohol bottles. It's easy to tell with what my flatmates have been doing here.. 
Minu uks :) 
Vaade rõdult (ma vist pole varem näidanud, kui "lahe" vaade meil rõdult avaneb). Kuid teinekord on päris huvitav vaadata teiste inimeste akendest sisse... 
The view from our balcony. Sometimes it's pretty interesting to check what other people are doing at their homes.. 
From Estonia

So I am back in The Hague!
The flight went quickly with good music and little nap. The only "minus" was that Estonian Air didn't offer any drinks/ sandwich as they usually do. I didn't care about the food but it was the first time I didn't get myself anything for drink on the flight because "Estonian Air always offers something". Well great! Didn't buy anything on the plane, waited til Amsterdam but I was disappointed. The train and tram trip were ok, had to carry my giant luggage up the stairs though when I got back home. The mood wasn't the best when I arrived (tired etc) but when I got to my room's door my mood changed drastically! Eva had decorated my room's door very nicely which made me smile. Super-cute flatmates I have here! Words can't describe how grateful I am. I'm home alone until Sunday evening but it's OK. 
The weather was totally fine in the morning. It was quite warm (it got so hot with my leather jacket while riding a bike) and I was in a really happy mood while riding to school. I think they say that when it doesn't rain in the Netherlands then the weather is good. But that didn't stay like this. When I was coming back from school then I was reminded very clearly that I am back in the Netherlands and it started pouring. Yay, Dutch weather is awesome... 
I have 2 weeks until the exams start. The books must be read and the assignments need to be done. By the way, we received two of our assignments with feedback. And we passed both of them, the teachers also said that keep up the good work! ;) So pretty happy with these. 
Today also met with one other Estonian girl who's here with Erasmus. And saw one other Estonian too who's graduating here. To see 2 Estonians within one day is quite a lot (usually I don't see any Estonians). 
Some of my classmates are coming over in the evening and we might go to the city later on. But now I am going to concentrate on my marketing book.... 

Kõike parimat! ;)

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