Korteriotsingud olid siin Hollandis ühed piinarikkad sammud.
Ütleme nii, et mina isiklikult ei pidanudki väga palju pingutama, vaid mu
kallid korterikaaslased suutsid kõik sammud ette-taha ära teha (kaasaarvatud
nende vanemad + hiiglaslikult suur summa selle eest).
Mööda kõiksugu agentuure jooksnud, otsustasime võtta ühe
umbes 70m2 korteri, kus on kolm tuba ja megaarmas köök. Lisaks rõdu.
Informatsiooni saamiseks ja inimestega tutvumiseks on
tõesõna parimaks kohaks FACEBOOK! Just nimelt seal saingi tuttavaks oma korterikaaslastega,
Eva (Saksamaalt) ja René (Tšehhist). Kolm täiesti erineva taustaga inimest koos
elamas- pole probleemi.
Eile oli siis suur päev, kus käidi IKEAs ostlemas ning kõik
elutähtis on meil olemas. Tuba mul kõige väiksem, kuid armas sellegipoolest.
Mööblit on mul ka kõige vähem, kuna mul polnud vanemaid siin, kes aitaks osta
kõike head-paremat, kuid siiski oli näiteks René isaga IKEAs väga huvitav koos
Koolis on ka kaks esimest päeva käidud, päris mõnus on.
Asjaajamisi on küll palju (noh, internet vaja meil saada, Hollandi numbrid,
korteriga paar asja vaja lahendada, pangakaardid, ratas osta jne).
Täna veel peole! Homme samamoodi! Eks need ole need kohad,
kus inimestega tutvutakse enim.
Looking for a flat was very stressful here in The Netherlands. Well, I personally didn't do as much as my flatmates as they managed to organize everything (with their parents help + of course a huge amount of money).
After looking for many flats and visiting a lots of agencies, we decided to take a flat for around 70m2, where we have 3 rooms and the cutest kitchen ever! Also a balcony.
And seriously, for getting information and to get to know the people, FACEBOOK is the best place! This is where I met my flatmates, Eva (Germany) and René (Czech Republic). Three people from different backgrounds living together- no problem!
Yesterday was a big day where we went shopping to IKEA and now we have everything necessary. I got the smallest room but it is still sweet. I don't have much furniture either as I didn't have my parents here to help me with buying stuff, but still it was fun visiting IKEA with René's dad for example!
Have been to university for two days, pretty good. We have a lot of stuff in our to do list (well, need to get internet, Dutch phone numbers, couple of things need to be sorted out with the flat, open a Dutch bank accounts, buy a bike etc).
Have been to university for two days, pretty good. We have a lot of stuff in our to do list (well, need to get internet, Dutch phone numbers, couple of things need to be sorted out with the flat, open a Dutch bank accounts, buy a bike etc).
And today going to a student party! Tomorrow also (quite tired though). These parties are probably the places where you meet the new people the most though.
Mu garderoob
Lõpptulemus (noh, veidi poolik veel)
Esimene kokkamine! Pasta muidugi...
Meie lemmik koht!
Eva !
Rene oma ust "dekoreerimas"
Kena õhtut!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHG! I think you get the point!! :D