Tuesday 28 August 2012


Nüüdseks olen oma uues elukohas!
Kõik on hästi- korter on megailus ja armas!! Pildid tulevad väga varsti- luban

Koolis sai ka käidud täna esimest korda- koolimaja on ka väga lahe ning meil on tõesti rahvusvaheline seltskond- pea igast riigist esindaja olemas! 
Aga mina liigun nüüd tuttu, natukene sain siin naabrite wifi't varastada. Kõik eluks vajalik (madrats, tekk, padi, rätikud) on soetatud ning eks näeb, kuidas meil korterielu sujuma hakkab. 

So I am in my new flat!
Everything is fine- the flat is super amazing and cute!! The pictures are coming soon- I promise

Went to the uni for the first time- the building itself is extremely cool and we seriously have a very international atmosphere- almost every country is represented!
I am going to bed now, I managed to steal a bit of our neighbors wifi (we will get ours probably within a week). Everything needed for living (mattress, a blanket, a pillow, towels) have been bought and we will see, how we are going to manage with our flat-life! ;)


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